Bedwetting Help
How to Stop Bedwetting Naturally

Help End Bed-Wetting Now
Bedwetting can happen at any age. A number of treatment options are available to help treat bedwetting, including behavioral changes, moisture alarms, drug treatment and psychotherapy. Natural bed-wetting remedies can also help stop bedwetting by strengthening bladder control naturally.
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Natural Bed Wetting Remedies :: How to Stop Bed Wetting Children :: Cure Bed Wetting |
A natural bedwetting remedy for children is safe, chemical-free and without the risk of side effects! |
What is Bedwetting?
Bedwetting, also called nighttime incontinence or nocturnal enuresis, is involuntary urination while asleep after the age at which staying dry at night can be reasonably expected. Bed-wetting can happen at any age.
Children vary greatly in their ability to control their bladders at night. While most children stop bedwetting between the ages of three - five years old, some may reach this developmental stage much later.
It is quite normal for a child under the age of five to wet the bed occasionally, and boys often take longer than girls to stay dry overnight. Children who wet their beds should never be punished in order to prevent emotional scarring, low self-esteem, and shame.
Although bedwetting is generally not a cause for great concern, it can be a strain on both the parent and child. As a child gets older, the problem often tends to be associated with emotional stress.
If your child does wet the bed far beyond what is considered age-appropriate or starts wetting the bed after long periods of "dryness", seek a professional opinion to determine the underlying cause.
What Causes Child Bedwetting?

Bedwetting is usually caused by an immature bladder or the inability to wake up due to very deep sleep states. In both cases, this is typically something a child will grow out of in time, as the bladder matures and the mind becomes more sensitive to the body's cues to wake up.
If a child is older and experiences bedwetting at night, food allergies may be to blame.
Natural bedwetting remedies help cure bed-wetting children and promote self-esteem, without harmful side-effects!
Diagnosing Child Bedwetting
Approximately 20 percent of children over the age of five wet their beds, and boys are generally more affected than girls. While most children will outgrow this phase before reaching puberty, a select few suffer from bedwetting right through their teens and even into adulthood.
Adult bedwetting or even bedwetting that continues through the later years of childhood and adolescence can be extremely distressing and may lead to emotional and personal problems. Research also shows that bedwetting beyond the average age of nighttime bladder control is likely to run in families.
There are many ways to help your child if bedwetting is a concern, so explore the treatment options to determine which would best suit your child.
Help for Bedwetting
The first step in helping your child end bed-wetting is to visit your child's pediatrician. The visit should begin with getting a history of your child’s bedwetting, as well as any other symptoms that might be experienced.

Depending on the circumstances, a full medical check, including urine analysis and blood tests, may be done to rule out medical conditions such as diabetes or a urinary tract infection. If your doctor suspects a physical abnormality, an X-ray or scan of the kidneys and bladder may be done or you may be referred to an urologist for further testing. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause and the seriousness of the problem.
A number of treatment options are available to help treat bedwetting, including behavioral changes, moisture alarms, drug treatment and psychotherapy. Choose a treatment option that best suits your child and family.
Behavioral Changes to Help Stop Bedwetting
Because most children grow out of bedwetting by themselves, sometimes simple behavioral and routine changes may be enough to break the bed-wetting cycle.
Try limiting fluid intake before bed and ensuring that your child makes a trip to the bathroom and empties his or her bladder right before lights-out. During the day, encourage your child to urinate only when he or she really needs to. This will help to stretch the bladder so that it can hold more urine.
Bedwetting Alarms to Help End Bedwetting
There are a variety of bedwetting alarms that can be purchased online or at local pharmacies. These devices have moisture-sensitive pads that can be slipped into your child’s pajamas or bedding that sound off an alarm as soon as moisture is detected. In many children, this is enough to wake them as they begin to urinate, and they can then quickly get to the toilet. In very deep sleepers, a parent may need to go wake the child on hearing the alarm. The body soon learns that wetting the bed means waking up, and so it begins to wake up by itself. These devices have been very successful, and although they may take up to 12 weeks to show positive results, they have a good long-term effect with a very low relapse rate.
Drug Treatments to Help Prevent Bedwetting
Some health care practitioners may prescribe various drug treatments to help prevent bedwetting. These medications are somewhat controversial as some have very serious side-effects. Most only offer short-term immediate relief. Once medication is stopped, bedwetting usually returns.
It is strongly advised that you thoroughly research any prescription medication and its side effects before agreeing to drug therapy, especially in the case of young children.
Psychotherapy to Help Bedwetting Children
Psychotherapy and parent counseling can be very helpful in cases of persistent bedwetting. Intervention may range from simple behavioral modification programs to play therapy in cases of underlying depression and anxiety.
Natural medicine such Be-Dry Tablets may help reduce bedwetting incidences.
How to Stop Bed Wetting Children - Tips to Help Cure Bed Wetting |
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